welcome, and thanks for stopping by!  this blog is the story of our family - myself, my husband lou and our two pups. we document our style, food, home and travel adventures. and then i mix it all up with advice, personal musings and ridiculous photos of dogs dressed to the nines. read more about each of us here if you'd like. cheers!









a house in the hills contains some contextual affiliate links. an affiliate link is a link in which advertisers have agreed to pay a commission should a purchase be made from that click-through. i do not post anything that i haven't or wouldn't purchase, the integrity of this blog means more to me than potential earnings. thank you for your support and understanding!


all images on this site are taken by myself or lou mora, unless otherwise noted. we're happy for you to share for any non-commercial purpose but please make sure to link back to the original post and give credit where it's due. conversely should we feature an image of yours that you see mis-credited or would like taken down, please let us know and we'll take care of it right away! good interweb manners are always appreciated. cheers!

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PIN hi everyone, i hope you had a great weekend!  today is the day- our new couch arrives!  after 7+ months of patio furniture covered in sheets (seen here) you can imagine how excited i am!  as in: there isn't a bouncy house large enough to contain it!  if all goes well (PLEASE COUCH GODS, LET IT ALL GO WELL) i'll share photos tomorrow or wednesday.  the anticipation of it has me fantasizing about pillows (those are next!).  part of me wants big pouffy handira pillows like these, the other part wants colorful textiles like this from mexico or dyed indigo pillows like this one.  all those parts are fighting, and lou will probably be the tie breaker.   but if you have any other contenders you'd like to throw into the mix i'd love to hear!  xx-sarah

photo via imports from marrakesh

Reader Comments (2)

Yay! That's so exciting! I am constantly changing the pillows on my couch - right now I've got some bright ikat throws to add a little cheer despite this freezing weather!




03/04/13 | 2:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJessie

Very exciting! I can totally understand your excitement. My husband and I are in the process of building us a couch and our cushion should be coming in any day now! Living with out proper seating is no bueno... lol, I'm excited for you! Hopefully you'll supply pictures once everything is in it's place. :)

Have fun pillow shopping! Gotta love it. :)

03/04/13 | 6:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterLatrina

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