we did it my friends, we styled and photographed over 20 pups who stole our hearts and raised over $2000 for NKLA! if amazingly adorable dogs in finery is your thing, head over here and here to see more! thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those of you that came out to support, and for those of you that missed it, don't worry- there's more to come, fancy paws is just getting started. thank you also to forge studios for sponsoring, to birds of a feather for the amazing photos and to sarah at smitten studios for her help with the dog styling! we couldn't have done it without her. and head over to notcot to see some great behind the scenes photos! i'll be back later in the day with some links from the interweb to keep you entertained over the weekend! xx- sarah
* if you have photos you'd like to share from the day on instagram or twitter, please use the hashtag #fancypawsevent so that everyone can see!