welcome, and thanks for stopping by!  this blog is the story of our family - myself, my husband lou and our two pups.  read more about each of us here if you'd like. please, make yourself at home!  xx- sarah










a house in the hills contains some contextual affiliate links. an affiliate link is a link in which advertisers have agreed to pay a commission should a purchase be made from that click-through. i do not post anything that i haven't or wouldn't purchase, the integrity of this blog means more to me than potential earnings. thank you for your support and understanding!


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for your sunday morning


hi again!  here's a trip down the interweb rabbit hole for your weekend.  things that inspire, excite, inform or are just plain pretty... i hope you enjoy!  more after the jump.

simple doesn't mean boring, it can be oh so chic when done right

these have been calling my name, i think i might have to make a batch this weekend

if you're looking for more work wear inspiration, spend some time here and you'll be set

i'm wishing we had room in our house for one of these great beauties

i love this, mostly for the excuse to procrastinate 

sound advice for anyone new to the kitchen

if this doesn't inspire you to make bold moves, i don't know what will

a roundup that has my mouth watering and shouldn't be missed!

if the bag i recommend yesterday didn't do it for you, maybe this one will

this is what makes the world go round, i'm pretty certain

this is such a good and important read, for everyone

falling into the category of just plain pretty, there is this

*images by stephan wurth for vogue mexico

Reader Comments (7)

Thanks for the shout out! Have a great weekend :)

03/01/13 | 5:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonja

Really enjoying your links. More than A Cup of Jo's - our little secret!

03/01/13 | 8:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterKris

you're most welcome sonja!

@kris- thank you, that's high praise! (and i'll never tell) :)

03/02/13 | 7:4 AM | Registered Commentersarah yates

these all made me so happy. And yes, miss moss does it again!

03/02/13 | 4:4 PM | Unregistered Commentercourtney

great huffington post article on processed foods---thanks for sharing! decoding just what is organic, real food and what has undergone some artificial transformations gets tougher and tougher the more vocabulary is used to camoflauge ingredients, so this definitely opened my eyes a bit more.

03/02/13 | 5:58 PM | Unregistered Commentermary @ B&G JOURNALS

I would enjoy your blog a great deal more if there was less of a "misty look" and MUCH LARGER and more legible type. The "mistiness" spills over to the text as well. Anything smaller and unclear and I would not be able to read it all. The pictures are beautiful. Can't you change the size of the type face? It would make your blog so much better.

03/03/13 | 3:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterBufaloGirl

Thanks for the link love my dear! You drove me lots o' click and I'm very appreciative!

03/28/13 | 10:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterErin

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