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my favorite vacation kitty


hello friends!  we're back from our favorite vacation yet, a magical greek island called milos. it was even more amazing than we hoped it might be.  i'm going to fill you in on alll the details someday soon and we have lots of pretty photos to share!  hopefully i'll be able to offer up enough to help you fantasize yourself there when you're next in need of a mental getaway.

in the meantime, here's a snap of me with my favorite stray cat that spent most breakfasts with us (and even snuck onto our balcony and hopped in bed for a cuddle with me one morning!)  it's a battle for me to travel to places with so many strays, i want to adopt them all!  i left a piece of my heart with this sweet little tomcat.

we're back to work but daydreaming about incredible greek food, the mediterranean sea, and sunsets that last for hours. i hope the end of summer is being sweet to you.

*mara hoffman coverup (on sale!), matt bernson sandals, clare vivier la tropezienne tote, marc jacobs watch

Reader Comments (10)

you look so beautiful.

09/24/12 | 7:22 AM | Unregistered Commenterme

Reading your post, I decided to go to Greece for my next vacations! Ô My!, it sounds like paradise.
P.S This cat is just too cute!
xo, Marie

09/24/12 | 7:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterMarie L.

That is a fabulous cover-up and looks great with those shoes!

My jewelry blog:

09/24/12 | 8:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterAshleigh @ Jolie Jouel

ahhh that cat is so cute, but he looks well fed too so don't worry too much about him! Love your outfit and that sunkissed glow.

09/24/12 | 10:5 AM | Unregistered Commenterdervla @ The Curator

thanks so much everyone! @dervla he is well fed now- tourists like myself make sure of it. but from what i was told, most of them starve to death in the winter. :( i spent a good chunk of my time there dreaming up ways i could move there and open an animal rescue.

09/24/12 | 10:41 AM | Registered Commentersarah yates

you are so cute!! welcome home - your trip sounds like a dream!

09/24/12 | 7:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterShoko

Can't wait to see all the beautiful pictures : ) I know what you mean about stray cats I've there. Glad to see you back !

09/25/12 | 10:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterZulema

Great photo! I hope you visit Greece again and soon!!! We'll wait for you!

Kisses from a greek follower!

09/25/12 | 1:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaria

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