jewelry organization: complete!

do you remember this messy mess, the jumble of jewelry and gems that sat on my dresser top as a constant reminder of my organization failure? IT'S GONE! if you've been following along on instagram (sarahyates) you've seen bits and pieces as i worked to replace it with my dream system- my favorite bracelets displayed on the dresser top with my watches. and two drawers containing the rest of my collection, tucked neatly away and organized well enough to make martha herself happy! and i finally framed a bunch of our wedding photos! when our bedroom is complete i'll show you the whole shebang, including our final decision on the wallpaper. it will be the first (and only) room in the house that will be all done. we can't wait!
i found these black velvet display cases at the container store for my necklaces. and i edited. anything that didn't feel entirely ME anymore- gone. just my most favorites made it into the drawers. i'm hoping this will also keep me in check with my consumerism- if i know i have to lose something that i have in order to bring something new into the collection i'll think long and hard before making a purchase.
these acrylic bracelet stands are from here, and the ring storage was from here (unfortunately it looks like the seller is out). i was worried that lou was going to fight me on the girliness of it, but let's be honest it was such a major improvement from the old mess i think he was too happy to see it clean to complain!
the dish i use to hold my watches was a white elephant gift exchange win. such luck that it works so perfectly for my watches! since those are in heavy rotation it's great to have them so easily accessible. from left to right : marc jacobs, nixon, nixon.
to go alongside the black velvet trays i got two of these white lacquer trays for earrings, bits and bobbles. they're the perfect place to store my goodies. and, that's it! what do you think? it's a pretty major improvement, right! do you have any tips and tricks to share on how you keep your jewelry organized? *wedding photos by max wanger

Reader Comments (25)
looks amazing! officially inspired to get my stuff figured out... thanks!
How have I literally just found your blog?! Already obsessed. Your aesthetic is amazing!
Loving your jewelry organization and taking notes :) xx
All your beautiful pieces so brilliantly displayed for easy access! "if" and that's a big if, I even had the luxury of space, I don't know that I could allow myself to actually do this. Upon your recommendation I ordered and have started to read "fix your brain change your life", because I too seem to think of the gloom. I would be afraid that if we were ever broken into, that the thief would have too easy and just pack up all of my perfectly curated baubles in one fell swoop! So for now everything I own will remain in any separate little boxes hidden and never worn! Pretty pathetic I know, but I am working on it! Thanks for the book recommend. Your collection looks amazing! Thank you for your kind thoughts about my laniebear. Still having a hard time. Miss her so much.
Oh wow... it looks like every grils dream! Well done!
thanks everyone! @ geri- i actually thought of that too, haha! but, i really try my hardest to not live in fear (which i really really struggle with) but i also try to live with as little attachment to THINGS as i can muster. yes, i love my jewelry, and i would be sad to lose it, but i do believe they're just things. and things can be replaced. maybe it's moving so often that has helped me with this.... sometimes i wish i could have NO things! :) and sorry to hear you're still mourning laniebear. these things take a long time, and some hurts never really go away, they just get a little easier to live with. wishing you the best!
Looks great!! I did something similar-- I would love to hear your thoughts.
This is so awesome! What a transformation! I have the same messy dresser of jewelry that you used to have. I am definitely buying some of those boxes and the bracelet stand. Thanks so much!
My jewelry blog:
I love this organization system! It's just gorgeous, as is your jewelry collection. Great ideas! Pinned! :)