Pro Tips For Painting Your Fence

Pro Tips For Painting Your Fence

Your fence is one of the first things people see when they come to your home. So, if you want to make a good impression, you need to make sure your fence is looking phenomenal. It might not seem like the hardest task in home renovation, but one that deserves attention because it really is out there for everyone to see.

In this article, you’ll find some of the best tips out there to help you brush up on your skills and paint your fence like a pro.

Choose the Right Paint

This tip is one that most people should know, but if you’re wondering if the type of paint you use for your fence matters, it does. Different paints are mixed specifically for different surfaces.

Choosing the right paint will give you a beautiful result, but choosing the wrong type could cause the paint to bubble and degrade prematurely. Two key factors you need to consider when choosing the paint are; what is the type of wood or material your fence made out of, and what is your area’s climate condition like?

Another aspect you’ll need to think about is whether you want a paint with a sheen or if you’d prefer a matted or satin finish. For those who want a polished and modern look for their fence, then paint with a good sheen is going to look amazing. However, for a more natural look, you’d be better off sticking to a matte paint.

Choose the Right Colour

Choose the Right ColourWhen you’re choosing the colour of your fence, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Unless your neighbourhood has strict rules on how your home’s exterior needs to look, you can paint your fence whatever colour you want, but realistically, you need to think practically about your colour choice as this can have an impact on your property value.

For homeowners who want to create a cohesive feel for their home exterior, you can try matching the colour of the walls to your fence. For those who want a bolder look, opt for a complementary colour to make your fence stand out.

Always Test the Paint

Once you’ve chosen your paint, don’t let excitement take over and cause you to act on impulse. Always test your paint on a small section of your fence because committing to it.

This way, you’ll be able to see how it looks in different lighting conditions, if the texture is what you want, and if it works well together with the rest of your home’s aesthetic. That way if you’re not entirely happy with the paint, it won’t be costly to fix.

Never Skip Surface Preparation

Never Skip Surface PreparationThe key to getting the best paint job for your fence – it’s all in the preparation. The more effort you put into repairing, cleaning and priming your fence before painting, the more professional the final product is going to look.

Always check the fence for any spots that need a bit of fixing up to ensure the actual fence is in good knick. Look out for old paint that is chipping, flaking or cracked and scrape it off with a wide-blade paint scraper and coarse sandpaper.

Then, move on to cleaning the fence to remove any dirt and debris from its surface. Once cleaned, ensure you wait for it to be completely dry before you start applying the primer. Painting on a wet or damp surface can cause issues with colour and adhesion. You don’t want to spend your money on something that is just going to peel off a few days later.

Mask Off or Remove the Hardware

One thing that makes people pick up on an amateur paint job is seeing handles and hinges that have splats of paint on them. Before painting your fence, either mask off or remove things like door handles, barrel bolts and hinges to ensure you don’t get any paint on them.

Choose Your Paint Applicator Well

There are many different ways to apply paint to your fence. While some techniques like spraying and rolling are going to do a fast job, if you want to be as precise as possible, go old school and use a paintbrush. Using a paint brush allows you to get into every little crevice so you don’t miss a spot.

Apply More than One Coat of Paint

Apply More than One Coat of PaintWhen you want to get the most polished paint job, or in cases where you’re changing the colour of your fence, you need to apply more than one layer of paint for full coverage. Applying at least two layers of paint will also give your fence more protection against the elements.

Check the Weather Before Painting

One thing that will ruin painting your fence is bad weather. Always check the weather forecast for prime painting conditions before committing to painting. You want weather that is dry with low to moderate humidity. 20 degrees is the sweet spot for painting. Anything about 30 degrees and the paint will dry too fast and potentially cause it to flake.

Final Thoughts

There’s an art to painting your fence, and it is not a job that deserves to be rushed. So take care by choosing your paint well, making sure the conditions are right, and preparing and painting the fence properly.

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