How to Prevent Weed Growth in Concrete Cracks?

How to Prevent Weed Growth in Concrete Cracks?

Sprouting weed on the cracked concrete sidewalks can transform your outdoor space into a messy and unkempt place. These unwanted plants can find their way into the tiniest cracks and crevices. Their roots can be deeper and it might seem impossible to remove them.

Keep in mind that getting rid of weeds sprouting into the cracks of patio pavers, sidewalks, or driveways can be difficult, but not impossible. Numerous viable options are available to remove these weeds. Some solutions can be DIY, while others might consist of using commercially available weed killer liquids.

You can also prevent their future growth by using weed prevention products, such as herbicides and sealing the concrete surface afterwards. Let us discuss some of these effective methods in detail to restore your outdoor space to its full glory.

Why Does Weed Grow in Cracked Concrete?

Why Does Weed Grow in Cracked Concrete?

Before learning about different ways to remove the weed thriving in the concrete cracks, let us understand why it actually grows there.

Seed Dispersal: There are many ways for weed seeds to get into cracks in concrete. Wind, birds, and other animals can carry them.

Soil Accumulation: If cracks are old, dirt and debris can build up there and provide fertile ground for seed to grow.

Moisture Retention: Cracks can hold moisture, which creates an ideal environment for weed growth.

How to Remove Existing Weed Growth?

If your concrete surfaces are cracked and have weeds growing, you can use any of the following methods to remove them:

Manual Removal

Manually removing the weed can be time-consuming but it is an effective method. You can use a small trowel or weeding tool to loosen the weeds and their roots and get rid of them completely. While manually removing the weeds, ensure to pull them out by the roots so that they don’t grow back.

Vinegar Solution

White vinegar is a homemade herbicide and can be an effective method to remove weed growth. While using the vinegar solution, you have to be careful to only spray it around the desirable plants you want to remove. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water together and spray the weeds directly with it to achieve the desired results.

Commercial Herbicide

Commercial herbicides are an effective way to kill the current weed and prevent its future growth. These herbicides have toxic chemicals that can be effective in killing weeds but might not be healthy for your pets. You can opt for organic and non-toxic herbicides that are locally available.

Preventive Measures to Stop Weed Growth

Preventive Measures to Stop Weed Growth

There are multiple ways in which you can prevent weed growth through your concrete structures. You can perform some of these measures before laying down a driveway, patio pavers, or sidewalk, and some after:

Install Landscaping Fabric

In an ideal situation, you can start your weed prevention efforts before installing concrete structures. Using a landscaping fabric under concrete or geotextile mesh under the pavers can be an efficient solution.

For more reliable and durable solutions, taking help from professionals like is an efficient decision. Experts ensure that all necessary steps are taken to prevent weed growth.

Seal the Cracks

In the absence of landscaping fabric, you might experience weed growth. After removing the weed, you can clear the concrete surface and fill the cracks, expansion joints, and other gaps with concrete caulk. Applying caulk will not give the weed any room to grow.

Avoid using mortar or concrete patches, as they crack after some time, break down and give weeds new space to grow.

Sterilize the Soil

Another effective way to prevent weed growth is to sterilize the soil. Using salt is an easy and inexpensive way to do it while using the salt. Keep in mind that you can not use the salt on the soil where you want to grow any plants in the future. While sterilizing the walkway, driveway, or patio, make sure that the runoff will not carry the salt to healthy soil.

Maintain Weed-Free Concrete Surface

After successfully removing the weed and taking preventative measures to avoid future growth, the next step for you is to maintain your concrete surface.

Regular Inspection: Inspect the concrete surface for new cracks and check for weed growth regularly.

Quick Action: Address any issues that arise promptly to prevent the problems from escalating.

Reapply Sealant: If you notice that the sealant needs maintenance, you can reapply it to ensure the cracks are properly sealed.


Now that you are well aware of how to kill the existing weed and prevent its future growth, we hope that you will be able to protect your concrete in a much more efficient way. Always remember to take precautions to ensure that the weeds do not return after you have removed them using either natural remedies or chemical herbicides.

Filling the concrete with caulking and sealing it can be a vital option. You can get professional help for your concrete surface maintenance and remove the issue of weed growth once and for all.

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