How to Perform Basic Maintenance on Your HVAC System

How to Perform Basic Maintenance on Your HVAC System

Keeping your air conditioner for a long time needs regular maintenance. It will help you save on energy bills and avoid expensive repairs. This guide will highlight the basic methods required for performing routine HVAC system maintenance. You can be equipped with knowledge on how to handle its functionality and productivity. With just some dedication and care, you can enjoy proficient cooling and heating from your HVAC for years.

Understanding Your HVAC

Understanding Your HVAC

The HVAC system components are majorly divided into three parts. One is the heating element. In the HVAC system, the furnace is the primary heating element that produces heat, dispersed throughout the building through ductwork systems. Otherwise, during cold seasons a heat pump works as one of the heating elements where it may take outside air and transfer it inside.

Ventilation comes next. It involves an interconnected duct network that moves conditioned air from the main unit to all parts of the house. Through vents or registers, the air is circulated past them, allowing it to enter our living space. The Air Handling Unit regulates air flow in the HVAC system. Its blow fans drive air through ducts and filters which eliminate airborne particles and impurities.

Lastly, there are air conditioning components. They use refrigerant to transfer heat outside your home. An outdoor condensing unit with a compressor coil and fan removes heat from refrigerant. On the inside, the evaporator coil absorbs warm air causing refrigerant to evaporate making cool circulating air back into your house. Refrigerant lines connect these components, while the thermostat keeps you at your desired temperature.

Importance of Regular Maintenance Checks

  1. Enhances energy efficiency: You will reduce energy usage and save on utility bills as a result of regular checkups on your HVAC.
  2. It prolongs HVAC lifespan: Maintenance prevents HVAC system from wearing out prematurely, thereby extending its useful life.
  3. Better indoor air quality: Cleaning or replacing filters minimizes dust, allergens, and other contaminants that are prevalent in the house.
  4. Fewer breakdowns and repairs: Scheduled maintenance helps identify possible problems in the early stages. It will reduce chances of sudden breakdowns and minimize expenditure associated with emergency repairs. Additionally, it improves home value, especially during resale.

Basic Maintenance Steps

Basic Maintenance Steps

Here are some of the HVAC parts and activities required for their maintenance. These steps are simple and straightforward. However, you might consider calling a professional when necessary.

How to clean or replace air filters

  1. Switch off your HVAC system to avoid circulation of unfiltered air.
  2. Locate your air filter, in most cases situated at the return air duct or inside an air-handler unit.
  3. Clean or swap it depending on the type of filter. Replace it if it’s disposable. However, washable filters should be cleaned with soapy warm water or vinegar and dried fully before re-installing.

Steps taken to ensure vents and ducts are open

  1. Check your supply and return vents for debris
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner or broom to sweep them
  3. Fix all damages and crevices you may find in the ducts

Cleaning Coils and Fins

Unclean coils limit airflow, causing AC to overwork. This consumes more energy, leading to reduced cooling and possible breakdowns. Regularly cleaning keeps the AC cool and minimizes later-day problems.

How to clean coils and fins safely

  1. Turn off your HVAC system.
  2. Use a soft brush to remove dirt from the condenser coils or fan blades.
  3. Buy some coil cleaners to remove stubborn dirt from coils by dissolving them away.
  4. Let it dry completely before turning it on again.

Checking Thermostat Settings

Check out your thermostat with a thermometer regularly, replace batteries if necessary, and set it to “Auto.” The manual mode has the potential to waste energy by running the fan constantly, even when the desired temperature is reached.

Make thermostat adjustments according to seasons. In summer, increase the temperature slightly (2 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit) for significant savings. Conversely, turn down your thermostat a few degrees during winter, especially when no one is home or sleeping. Programmable thermostats can do these changes automatically for optimum comfort and savings.

Professional Maintenance

Professional Maintenance

Regular professional maintenance is critical to keep your HVAC system at its best. You might consider calling an HVAC technician based on these circumstances.

  1. Once a year: Schedule a tune-up before each cooling and heating season to ensure optimal performance and catch minor issues before they escalate.
  2. When performance declines: If there are struggles in maintaining desired temperatures, unusual noises, and increased energy bills, seek to consider an HVAC near me service provider for diagnosis and repairs.
  3. Prior to emergencies: Do not wait until a complete breakdown on a scorching summer day or frigid winter night occurs. Preventive maintenance is highly cost-effective and avoids discomfort situations that may ensue.

Typically during service calls, an HVAC technician will conduct an extensive inspection, cleaning, and tune-up. It might involve coil as well as filter cleaning, refrigerant levels check-up, lubricating moving parts, inspecting electrical connections plus verifying thermostat accuracy among other tasks. Moreover, the technicians can advise on possible issues to help avoid future problems where some repairs would be recommended instead of new purchases.


A well-working HVAC system is a must-have for your comfort all-year round. Maintaining its efficiency is of importance. Furthermore, follow the manufacturer’s recommended service plan to extend the life of your system and enhance its performance. This approach prevents minor glitches from snowballing. Hence, keep you from spending huge sums on repairs and ensure you enjoy peace of mind for years.

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