Essential Moving Tips to Make Your Move a Breeze

Essential Moving Tips to Make Your Move a Breeze

Whether you’re moving to a new home in the same town, or you’re leaving for a whole new country, the process can be pretty exhausting. Packing your entire life in a bunch of boxes is never easy, and it also requires detailed organization. With so many things to do, you can’t be too careful when it comes to planning, and the following tips will help you be well-prepared for the moving day:

Get Rid of the Stuff You Don’t Need

Before you even start packing, make sure you go through all the rooms in the house and get rid of everything you no longer need. This will save you both time and money once the time comes actually to start packing your bags and boxes. You will use far less packaging, and you’ll find it much easier to transport and unpack your belongings.

Schedule the Basic Utilities

As soon as the moving dates are finalized, you should contact the utility providers to schedule all the services you’ll need in your new home. And while you’re at it, take the time to conduct professional electrical safety checks. By doing so, you can rest assured that everything in your home is functional, safe, and created according to the local standards. At the same time, don’t forget to request service stops in your current home on the day when you’re scheduled to leave it.

Start Packing As Early As Possible

Ideally, you will know about the upcoming move months or at least weeks in advance. So as soon as you realize that the decision is final, start packing all the items that you’re not going to use during the time you have left in the current home. For example, start packing your seasonal clothes, as well as books and other items you only use occasionally.

Book the Services in Advance

If you’re planning to hire moving services and any kind of professionals like cleaners or painters, book them as soon as possible. If you wait until the last minute, you might have to pay a higher price, or you may not even be able to hire them, especially if you’re making a request during the peak moving season.

Use the Right Box Sizes

Remember to pack books and all the other heavy items in small boxes, while clothes, pillows, and linens, can be packed in larger ones. Professional movers commonly complain about large boxes full of heavy items. Not only do they make their job harder, but there is also a higher chance for them to break.

Label the Boxes with Room Names

Even though it seems like a small detail, labelling the boxes will help you and the movers know exactly where each of them belongs once the boxes arrive at your new home. On top of that, if you also number each box and you keep a well-organized inventory list, you will know exactly what you packed, and what to expect when you start unpacking.

Keep Your Documents in Order

Before the moving process begins, make sure you have all the relevant documentation in one place. Everything from your personal documents to household bills and the deeds to your current property should be accessible and easy to find during the move.

Make Enough Time for the Move

Making an assumption that you can move all your stuff from one place to another and get settled in two days or less is usually quite wrong. Although it is possible to pack your stuff and move during one weekend, it will probably take days to unpack and get yourself settled the right way.

Therefore, if you imagined going straight to work the first day after you move, getting yourself sorted will take some extra time. So if it’s possible, consider taking an additional day or two off. Ideally, try to take a long weekend that covers Friday to Monday.

Moving from one home to another, regardless of the location, is a huge undertaking, and as such, it requires planning and organization. However, if you follow the tips listed above and you create an actionable strategy, the whole process can be much smoother than you could ever imagine.

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