I know that a lot of the country has been in the midst of a heat spell, but we've actually been having rain and thunder storms here in the desert! It may still be hot, but with the air conditioner up and the rain pounding on our metal roof I was able to convince myself, for just a minute, that fall was upon us. It was AMAZING! And in the midst of my deluded fall fantasies I made a big pot of one of my favorite fall comfort foods, ratatouille. The brilliance of ratatouille lies not only in it's ability to make you feel like you've eaten a really hearty and satisfying meal, but in the insanely easy way it's prepared. Essentially it's no more than stewed vegetables. Which means, chop, cook and serve. So at the first hint of fall I recommend you welcome it with a pot of this! xx-Sarah {more after the jump}