the green monster

i saved up my american express rewards points and treated us to a fancy pants blender (it's called vitamix and i think it'll go up against any blender on the market and win, no matter what the middle of the night infomercials tell you). it's AMAZING!!! i'm accustomed to blenders that barely blend, get stuck every few seconds and never turn out a truly chunk-free smoothie.
my first venture into pro smoothie making was a lazy-girls version of this one. so good! i know green smoothies are even more healthy and hugely popular right now, so yesterday i added a couple leaves of dino kale and....YUCK! ACK! UGH! i know ya'll aren't drinking this nastiness, so please do tell....what are your green smoothie secrets? please, fill me in! wishing you a weekend with lots of yumminess & good sleep (and only delicious smoothies). xo