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Entries in roasted butternut squash (2)


butternut squash soup with curried pepitas


i had this moment in the grocery store the other day where i realized that we're almost at the end of the very last scraps of winter produce.  and like some crazy squash hoarder i started grabbing at the butternuts.  i'm going to make a couple batches of this soup to freeze because i hate the idea of waiting until october to have butternut squash soup again.  is that crazy?  maybe i'm a kooky squash hoarder or suffering from some other squash related mental disorder.  something to ponder while i'm roasting 55 batches of butternut.  xx- sarah  {more after the jump}


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kale, pomegranate & butternut squash salad




i'm generally too lazy to eat pomegranates, but this sweet little salad makes it so worth the work! and i saved the extra dijon dressing for more salads this week, or to use with roasted veggies. which makes me feel like i'm saving time, further justifying the extra pomegranate de-seeding time. also, i believe eating this many nutrients in one meal qualifies one for 2 chocolate chip cookie indulgences. OH SNAP! and while i don't think i've mentioned it before, we buy organic everything. it makes a difference i tell you, especially when fruits and veggies are concerned. less pesticides = more flavor. scientific fact. i hope you like! 

the what:


1 bunch kale, chopped

1 medium pomegranate (1 cup of sweet seeds)

1 medium butternut squash (2 cups of cubed chunks)


1/4 c white wine vinegar

2 tablespoons high grade amber maple syrup

2 tablespoons dijon mustard

sea salt


the how:


peel and cut butternut squash into small chunks{ >1"}, remove seeds and stringy squash business

coat in olive oil, lightly salt and roast at 400 degrees until pieces are soft (roughly 30 minutes)

while squash is roasting, chop kale & harvest pomegranate seeds (tips on how here). mix both in large serving bowl.

now for the dressing! in a small bowl mix 2 tblspoons olive oil, white wine vinegar, dijon mustard, and maple syrup. add salt and pepper to taste. (this makes more than enough for this salad, reduce recipe if you're not into leftovers)

when squash is ready toss it in with the kale and pomegranate. mix, add dressing and chill. the salad, not you. you get to work making something tasty to eat with this!