no bad days

a few weeks ago i was at the griffith observatory waiting for my friends and eaves dropping on a grandfather and his grandson (in my defense, we were sharing a wall!). the grandson had broken his parent's ipad screen and was devastated. he was worried about getting in trouble, beating himself up over it and generally just feeling miserable.
the grandfather was this amazing man who said all the best things to calm the kiddo down- reminding him that everyone, young and old, breaks things. that life isn't about ipads, that this hurt he's feeling is only temporary. he was saying it almost the way i would imagine buddha saying it, with so much love and compassion. but the kid couldn't shake it off. he was sobbing. eventually i interrupted their conversation, apologized for eaves dropping and told the little boy that they can probably have it repaired at the apple store, that i'd just googled it and it's totally fixable. and then the grandfather continued to try to console him with all the right messages. i learned so much from listening to that grandfather, he was amazing and all of his words to this heart broken little boy could be applied to my grown up problems too.
they got up to leave while i was still waiting, and i told them to "have a good day!". the old man responded with full sincerity and sweetness- "every day is a good day". the thing is, i know he meant it. whatever might come at him, he's able to fully appreciate each of his days on this planet, to see the big picture- that even life's most brutal lessons are gift. it was such an inspiration to me i just had to share (i even added it to my vision board). happy tuesday my friends! image source : brian vu