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Entries in hummus (1)


beet hummus: the best thing since pajama pants on thanksgiving

PIN i know this might not look or sound like the most appealing snack but TRUST ME, it totally is. even lou {who had never met a beet he liked} happily chowed it down. it's garlicky, a little sweet, and oh so good for you! it's delicious mixed with salads, on a sourdough baguette, eaten with just a carrot, as a condiment on your veggie really can't go wrong. i may or may not just eat it by the spoonful when i'm standing in front of the fridge trying to figure out what to make. and on top of all that, it's easy like kelly taylor. OH SNAP!

the what:

one very large beet (or two medium beets)

2 tablespoons of tahini

2 cups chickpeas

2 medium cloves are garlic

1 small lemon

1 tsp sea salt 

the how:

{this recipe requires a food processor!}


peel and chop beets into medium cubes, put into sauce pan with just enough water to cover beets and simmer until beets can be easily pierced with a fork, then drain the water.

combine beets, chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, sea salt and tahini in food processor and blend. add a little water if consistency is too thick for your liking.

if you're not a garlic lover, leave a clove out and maybe add a little extra salt.

serve any of the ways mentioned above. this is a giant batch so get snacking!