Hi friends! Thanks so much for the SF restaurant recs! I love this city so much. Everytime I visit I swear it's my favorite city on the west coast. It's definitely got a special place in my heart. Or maybe it's my stomach- the food is SO GOOD!!!
Now I want to chat with you about some changes happening around here. You may have noticed a few ads have popped up on the site. I'm super excited to let you all know that I've signed on with Federated Media! They're connecting me with advertisers and brands who are interested in finding unique ways to get in front of you! What this means is that I'll occasionally be doing "sponsored posts" and mixing things up a bit on behalf of the brands who support this blog.
Here's my promise to you: I will always keep YOU, my readers, at the forefront of my thoughts when agreeing to create content on behalf of a brand. And I will always let you know when a brand has sponsored a post, even if it blends seamlessly in with the regular content. No funny business here, I promise. This blog started as a personal creative outlet and has grown to be something I'm so incredibly proud of. It's also grown to be a full-time venture, which is AMAZING! As such, finding ways to also make it a profitable full-time venture has become part of my job. I truly hope you'll support me and the brands who support A House in the Hills going forward. You all have meant the world to me over the past couple of years and I am 100% dedicated to keeping this a fun, inspiring and authentic place for you to spend time. And I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for stopping by and joining me in this crazy adventure! All my heart. xx- Sarah
SHOP THIS OUTFIT: jeans: Current/Elliott (on sale!), shirt: Equipment: jacket: Gryphon (similar), shoes: Dieppa Restrepo, bag: Steven Alan, glasses: Karen Walker, belt: Closed (similar)