carrot ginger soup - two ways!

the weather here was amazing this weekend, i actually enjoyed a couple hours of sunning pool side! and please don't hate me if you've just come in from digging your car out of a snowbank- i did close to 18 winters in maine, i can feel your pain. and your frozen toes. ahhhhhhh! don't worry, this soup will warm you up.
as much as i love this warm weather it's strange because it's JANUARY! so to make it feel wintry in the best possible way i cooked up this carrot ginger soup. it's my first time making a cashew cream and i apologize in advance if my next ten recipes are nothing more than excuses to drench something (anything!) in it. i've fallen ass over teakettle in love. i may have even proposed marriage somewhere between tasting it with a sprig of thyme and mixing in curry powder. *sigh*
recipe after the jump!