quinoa, black bean and avocado tacos

i've never had jetlag before, at least not like i have it this time around. i've been walking around since we got home like a dazed puppy dog. it's made me crave really hearty, healthy meals that require little to no effort. which brings me to this meal.... a bowl of quinoa, black beans, cilantro and avocado with a stack of corn tortillas at the ready and a bottle of cholula to add some kick. so simple to prepare- just heat/mix some (preferably leftover) black beans and quinoa. serve with a sliced avocado half and some cilantro alongside a stack or pre-made tortillas. as with all really simple meals like this- the key to the deliciousness is using high quality, fresh ingredients. i recently started cooking my black beans- it's really not too much work! (read here about the nutritional punch that black beans pack as well as instructions on how to cook them!) this dish has become my jetlag survival meal. do you have any other recovery tips?