I can almost taste the weekend! Can't wait to take a little down time with Lou, starting with a movie date tonight. What have you got on the books? Hopefully lots of goodness with your loved ones and some quality R&R! I've rounded up some interweb inspiration for you below, and there's also that spaghetti squash and hearty marinara sauce recipe I shared yesterday on Camille Styles! Have a great one! xx- Sarah {more after the jump}
Let's start you off right, with a good old fashioned haha.
I'm on day four of a Pressed Juice cleanse and I feel AMAZING! Still, think of me over your Sunday brunch.
And, while we're talking about food, THESE!
I've been thinking about these non-stop, can you blame me?
Something helpful to have on hand in your kitchen.
JUST IN CASE you missed it, my favorite ever!
In the event that fashion week didn't last long enough for you, there's this.
And for your mini, there's this.
I know I shouldn't be looking at things like this whilst on a cleanse, but I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!
I'm running out of room in my shoe closet, dreaming of something like this.
Anyone know where I can find a coffee table like this? I need it.
And there's also these, which I would do unspeakable things to call my own!

Reader Comments (11)
That Whole Foods article had me rolling on the ground! So true, but I do that place so much haha :) great links, Sarah! Good luck on the juice cleanse, I tried and failed, but I'm thinking of going at it again! :D
Wow! Just came across your blog, and I love it! Beautiful imagery~ I love how this fall squash pasta recipe is a lovely bridge between the beautiful, ripe shades of summer and yet looks warm and hearty for the fall. AND it's healthy - win-win all around. :) Thx for sharing~
~ Laurie
Wow! Just came across your blog, and I love it! Beautiful imagery~ I love how this fall squash pasta recipe is a lovely bridge between the beautiful, ripe shades of summer and yet looks warm and hearty for the fall. AND it's healthy - win-win all around. :) Thx for sharing~
~ Laurie
I'm mesmerized by your blog! Beautiful!
you can get that coffee table on CustomMade- you can post a picture of it on the site, and local, talented Makers will bid to make it for you! it's awesome :)
oh yum! looks good
kw ladies in navy
Not sure where you could find tables like that. But those are Silas Seandel: http://www.silasseandel.com/cocktail_table/bronzeforms_4.shtml
I'll take a pair too please!
That dog of yours is such a cutie!! I've always wanted to try a juice cleanse but alas haven't done so. Maybe a new year's resolution? Or I'm just getting way too ahead of myself haha! Great links, thank you for sharing!