happy weekend friends! i'm sorry to be late to the game with my links. yikes. i'm starting to sound like a broken record. maybe i should just change it to saturday or maybe sunday links and then i won't have to apologize every week! ha! well all of this is neither here nor there. you came for the links. and they're below. have at them! xx- sarah {after the jump}
i would love for someone to make these for me. yes, i'm feeling lazy. and hungry!
style and hair, this gal has it going on! and speaking of style, how great are these for $30?!
was so lovely to be featured here this week, sharing some of my must-haves!
there is some amazing man-style right here and i love it! (and even more here!)
life is so beautiful and this is a great reminder and story! found via
this tumblr always makes me smile (and you'll find us in the archives)!
i'm strutting around like a proud peacock over this!
i would give anything to be able to sing like this! #nevergonnahappen
some updates worth peeping at over here!
it's corn on the cob season and i couldn't be happier about it!
since we're talking about booties this week, i should confess that i've had these in my basket for months!
this is so cute it causes me physical pain. and, I WANT ONE!!!
and last but most definitely not least, i picked two readers of the week! visit them here and here. i'm loving this, it's so fun visiting your sites and seeing who is popping by here! as always, leave your info below if you'd like me to drop by / you'd like to be considered for next week's links!
photos of kate moss by patrick demarchelier for vogue uk

Reader Comments (13)
Great links, I'm a new reader so it's great to find even more places to visit! I'd love for you to drop by my blog, one of your outfits inspired me to finally wear my Topshop dress!
yes, I LOVE to purge!
I actually made those popsicles today!! Wish I could ship some over to ya!
ha! love that tumblr.
oh and I would absolutely love to be considered for next weeks friday links. [ ] Guy/Girl Chicago blog
oh and I would absolutely love to be considered for next weeks friday links. [ ] Guy/Girl Chicago blog
Those Joie boots are amazing!
So cool, that you featured Latrina's blog on there, I love it!! And the other links as well, as always :) HOpe you had a good weekend°