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nori veggie wraps- my everyday staple


this isn't so much a recipe as a suggestion because it's so simple.   it's also something i eat every single day.  i'm a creature of habit and when i find something i love i usually eat it non stop until the day comes when the idea of it turns my stomach.  i expect i'll be eating one of these a day at least through august.  the perfect light and healthy meal for midday.  and, the secret ingredient gives it just the kick i need to fully satisfy.  {more after the jump, including an animation!}





hummus (recipe here)

1 carrot, peeled with a vegetable peeler into strands

leafy greens (spinach, baby kale, arugula all work great)

1/2 avocado

nori sheet (i love this brand)




as you can see from the animated gif above, it's really simple to make these wraps.  pile it all in, roll it up and eat! and you can swap out ingredients, add in just about anything you love in your sandwich.  i do recommend staying away from things that have a high liquid content (like tomatoes, salad dressing, etc) as they can soak through the nori and get quite messy.  and my trick to get them to stay together beautifully is a very light smear of hummus along the edge.  it binds it all together when you wrap it up. 

Reader Comments (22)

Oh my, this sounds so yummy! I am currently zrying to switch around my diet a little bit and eat more plant-based food, this is perfect! The fact that it's fast and easy is a double-plus. now i only have to find nori at the supermarket...

04/25/13 | 9:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterHanna

terrific idea what a perfect snack!

04/25/13 | 10:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterKait

love this idea! i also am a creature of [food] habit & am vegan, so lately it's been veggie stir-fry & quinoa. i'll have to add this into my repertoire :)


04/25/13 | 10:21 AM | Unregistered Commenteranna

OH yummy! This looks so delicious! And so simple to make... I will definitely need to try!

04/25/13 | 12:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

Looks delish! and so easy. Thanks for posting.

04/25/13 | 12:54 PM | Unregistered Commenternicole

Really good idea. I am on glutenfree diet ,so nori makes greate choise for wraps =) Yeiii!

04/25/13 | 1:0 PM | Unregistered CommenterMari Ojasaar

So...I always see recipes calling for 1/2 an avocado. Any advice on what to do with the other half if you aren't going to use it right away? I've tried leaving the pit in the unused half and wrapping it in saran wrap or putting it in something airtight and the surface turns brown. I've tried making guacamole and putting lime juice in it to save for later and it turns brown. Help me not eat an entire avocado every day out of desperation! ;-)

04/25/13 | 3:28 PM | Unregistered Commenterkate

I do a very similar thing, as my go-to weekday lunch, can't get enough :)

04/25/13 | 3:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterJeanine

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