weekend links my friends!

i'm going to dive right into it today... have fun with this! and more importantly, have an amazing weekend filled with lots of love, yummy eats and some good quality down time. see you on monday. xx- sarah
are you looking to make a breakfast treat this weekend? look no further.
i'm pretty sure this is a closet staple. with red lips.
i love love love this color explosion.
yes, yes, yes, and YES!
50 spring looks, all in one spot...be still my street style loving heart.
we're celebrating our 5 year anniversary next month, which means a shopping trip here.
if i were going to be a wedding guest this season, this would be on my wish list.
i love these two....what are the chances they'd adopt us?
i'm thinking these might be on the weekend lunch menu.
she is just tooo good to be true! bean and i are smitten kittens.
i probably shouldn't do these when i'm hungry. i just want to link to this 15 times.
would you ever wear this lip color? i'd like to try!
*photo by vanessa jackman

Reader Comments (2)
kw ladies in navy
We decorated our caps for graduation in college, and I wrote that "everything you do is art" quote on top of mine. Love it!