So, Friday links are going up on Sunday. No big deal, right?! I posted about an Instagram giveaway I'm doing last week here. Thanks so much for those of you that jumped on board, it's so fun to see your culinary adventures. Thought I'd share some of what's up for grabs (I'm still shopping, hoping to pick up a few one of a kind vintage items to add to the mix). But for now, the winner will receive my favorite julienne peeler, Gwyneth Paltow's "It's All Good", the world's BEST garlic press (you have no idea what kind of awesome to expect if you haven't used on of these!), some of my favorite superfoods (1,2,3), and some chopsticks to make all of your noodle adventures that much more fun! Ok, head over here for a refresher on how to win, and click through to see what I've rounded up for you on this fine weekend. xx- Sarah
I, for one, am really really excited about the Isabel Marrant and H&M collab. Did you catch this lookbook?!
this space is really speaking to me...white, bright & lovely.
i added some things to the shop, it's turning into my fantasy closet!
would you ever challenge yourself to have sex every day for a straight year? This lady did!
I'm happily surprised by this, what a steal!
An Etsy find, for those of you in the market for pretty things to adorn your homestead!
These are looking pretty damn tasty!
I got to check out this last night in Joshua Tree, and I have to tell you: MIND BLOWINGLY RAD. I fell in love a little bit harder with the desert.
Who is getting excited for Thanksgiving and table styling? (me! me! me!)
I started a Tumblr. I'm still sorting out how it works. But I'll be sharing the things I eat that don't make it onto here or my Instagram. It'll be all food, all the time! Tumblr tutorials, suggestions, people to follow, etc are ALL WELCOME, please leave a note in the comments!

Reader Comments (4)
haha nice link to the sex every day for a year article!
That vase is really lovely, but even moreso, that entire Etsy shop is such a great find -- definitely bookmarking!
I so want that book!
Did you do the Instagram giveaway? Such great prizes!