welcome, and thanks for stopping by!  this blog is the story of our family - myself, my husband lou and our two pups. we document our style, food, home and travel adventures. and then i mix it all up with advice, personal musings and ridiculous photos of dogs dressed to the nines. read more about each of us here if you'd like. cheers!









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all images on this site are taken by myself or lou mora, unless otherwise noted. we're happy for you to share for any non-commercial purpose but please make sure to link back to the original post and give credit where it's due. conversely should we feature an image of yours that you see mis-credited or would like taken down, please let us know and we'll take care of it right away! good interweb manners are always appreciated. cheers!

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denim shirt and red lips, always winning



on the days when your hair is a frizzy mess and you're feeling a little bloated from holiday treats, a denim or chambray shirt and red lips will take you a long way towards feeling better.  there's a little something in life you can always rely on. also, chocolate and peanut butter.  you can rely on those too.

shirt: free people, corduroy leggings: blank denim fringe boots: kelsi dagger here and similar here, bag: clare vivier la tropezienne, glasses: super sunglasses people glasses, lipstick: dior blazing red

Reader Comments (10)

Great comfy outfit! I like the detailing on the front of your denim shirt. Cute!


01/22/13 | 10:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterStar White

You look amazing - I really want a basic denim shirt like this!

01/22/13 | 11:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterRachel

thanks ladies! denim shirts are such a staple for me!

01/22/13 | 3:32 PM | Registered Commentersarah yates

Love the red lipstick! Bummer for me, it always ends up on my front teeth!!

01/22/13 | 6:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterKara

Great look ! You are correct about red lips anytime I feel a bid ehh with an outfit I throw on a pop of red lips and tada transforms it instantly. Loving that bag.



01/22/13 | 6:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterMyrna

I completely agree! My chambray shirt is my go-to when I don't want to think about what to wear. And red lips are my go-to when I don't feel like bothering with eye makeup!


01/23/13 | 12:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterKirby

You are so cute! Just discovered your blog and I wanted to let you know I love it. :)

01/23/13 | 5:7 PM | Unregistered CommenterLo

@kara- mine too! i just rely on lou to tell me when it happens! :)

@mirna and @kirby yes! red lipstick is a lifesaver.

@lo thanks so much for coming by and the sweet note!

01/23/13 | 8:28 PM | Registered Commentersarah yates

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