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pattern and stripes


inevitably when i dream about vacations i dream about vacation style.  this outfit is something i'd wear on a day sightseeing and then to dinner that evening (swap out sandals for the wedges most of the time) and would feel completely comfortable and stylish for both occasions. having outfits that are versatile is so important when you're trying to pack a bag that won't break your back!  this dress could later be worn as a tunic with skinny jeans and create an entirely different look. and a striped blazer- that can be worn so many ways! 




save the blazer, bag and watch this entire outfit is on sale at shopbop right now. i'm a sucker for a good sale! dress: tucker, jacket: jcrew (similar), shoes: dolce vita, bag: chloe (similar), necklace: house of harlow watch: marc jacobs   

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Reader Comments (13)

Love the dress. Also a big fan of stripes and floral. Need to get some pretty floral skirts/dresses so I can do the look more often.

07/23/12 | 8:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

love the dress. you look great X

07/23/12 | 8:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterLucy

LOVE this look!!


07/23/12 | 1:36 PM | Unregistered Commenteranna

I think that we are connected, because I was planning to make a post with stripes and florals this week (I'm waiting to receive my new floral trousers). Would you mind if I use one of your pictures?
kisses from Barcelona!

07/23/12 | 2:54 PM | Unregistered Commentermes bijoux

thanks so much everyone! and @ mes bijoux, ANYTIME! can't wait to see! xo

07/23/12 | 3:28 PM | Registered Commentersarah yates

Love this combo Sarah! I've been wanting a striped blazer forever, looks great on you! xo

07/23/12 | 4:9 PM | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I love the dress it is lovely!

07/23/12 | 7:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterJoelynn

I am absolutely in love with stripes. And I just can't get over how well they pair with florals.
You look great!

07/23/12 | 10:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterFernanda

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