chelsea's style

meet my friend chelsea! she's the co-founder of no subject and girl behind all of the above blog- she inspires me in so many ways! she also has amazing personal style and is basically living in one of my dream homes- full of spanish architectural details, brass, amazing vintage furniture finds and all sorts of other fantastic girliness that makes my heart pitter patter. i'm going to help her learn a bit more about her camera so she can take photos as she decorates this little jem of a home for her blog...can't wait to see what she dreams up!
chelsea is also a girl who knows how to accesorize! i'm loving her stacks of rings, totally planning on working that into my wardrobe. and her graphic sundress from urban outfitters looks so comfortable, easy and stylish without trying: exactly the kind of dress i live in during the summer. { a few graphic maxi dresses i'm loving right now: 1. 2. 3. 4. }
{and yes, that is a new DOMINO magazine she's reading! i think there was a collective squeal from the internet the day that came out...}

Reader Comments (2)
beautiful pictures!
Domino is back???? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!