A House in the Hills contains some contextual affiliate links. An affiliate link is a link in which advertisers have agreed to pay a commission should a purchase be made from that click-through. I do not post anything that i haven't or wouldn't purchase myself.


All images on this site are taken by myself or Lou Mora, unless otherwise noted. We're happy for you to share for any non-commercial purpose but please make sure to link back to the original post and give credit where it's due. Conversely, should we feature an image of yours that you see mis-credited or would like taken down, please let us know and we'll take care of it right away! Good interweb manners are always appreciated. Cheers!

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it was delicious, thanks for asking


vintage fur stole borrowed from lucy on her cross country adventure. 

Reader Comments (7)

I mean....I have no words. I LOVE that you incorporate your lovely four legged friend in to your posts. The shots of your home are stunning...your bedroom inspired me to re-think what I had planned originally for the walls (paint one accent wall a bright color) and maybe do a design of some sort...hmm.
<3 Kate

03/22/12 | 10:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterKate

Um. The coolest photo ever. My dog looks like that after he steals something from the table. Without the fur wrap. Ha.

03/22/12 | 12:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlexa

Wowser, look at that tongue! I've recently discovered your blog and very much enjoying taking a look around. Your pups are gorgeous!

03/22/12 | 5:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterGeorgia

I love this picture....
I have a lovely picture of sweet dog in my blog. your name is TEJO
I hope you like!
Can i share your blog in my blog?


03/22/12 | 6:1 PM | Unregistered Commentersusana

omg this is hilarious.

03/23/12 | 12:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterSara @my less serious life

That is HILARIOUS! I just positively LOVE animals! It is wonderful that you incorporate yours into your posts.

03/24/12 | 9:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterVioletta Dickson

Oh, Bean. What are we going to do with you?! :)

03/24/12 | 10:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterShoko

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