A House in the Hills contains some contextual affiliate links. An affiliate link is a link in which advertisers have agreed to pay a commission should a purchase be made from that click-through. I do not post anything that i haven't or wouldn't purchase myself.


All images on this site are taken by myself or Lou Mora, unless otherwise noted. We're happy for you to share for any non-commercial purpose but please make sure to link back to the original post and give credit where it's due. Conversely, should we feature an image of yours that you see mis-credited or would like taken down, please let us know and we'll take care of it right away! Good interweb manners are always appreciated. Cheers!

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thank you thank you


this thanksgiving one of the things i'm so grateful for is YOU!  your sweet, insightful comments yesterday were inspiring and so helpful.  i couldn't be happier to have created a little community of amazing women (and you too guys, i know you're more few and far between but i'm glad you're here!).  so thank you, for showing up and being awesome.  and have a wonderful holiday if you're here in the states!  *photo from a date night in milos, greece!  see some of our other greece photos here

Reader Comments (6)

and we are thankful for all the sweet things you give us here! happy thanksgiving!

11/21/12 | 9:11 AM | Unregistered Commenterana cooks

I love your sandals!!!

11/21/12 | 9:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterSamira

You are gorgeous.

11/21/12 | 11:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterEmilie

Just found this blog the other day and am such a fan. Grateful for your little bit of the web!

and i am thankful for your amazing pictures!
ps - love the clutch

11/22/12 | 7:32 AM | Unregistered Commenterjoana | myseastory

I'm in love with your style and the quality of your pictures!!!

03/02/13 | 9:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla

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