welcome, and thanks for stopping by!  this blog is the story of our family - myself, my husband lou and our two pups.  read more about each of us here if you'd like. please, make yourself at home!  xx- sarah














a house in the hills contains some contextual affiliate links. an affiliate link is a link in which advertisers have agreed to pay a commission should a purchase be made from that click-through. i do not post anything that i haven't or wouldn't purchase, the integrity of this blog means more to me than potential earnings. thank you for your support and understanding!


all images on this site are taken by myself or lou mora, unless otherwise noted. we're happy for you to share for any non-commercial purpose but please make sure to link back to the original post and give credit where it's due. conversely should we feature an image of yours that you see mis-credited or would like taken down, please let us know and we'll take care of it right away! good interweb manners are always appreciated. cheers!

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sisters from another mister


lately i've been finding these two all sorts of cozied up together. it makes me so happy when i realize that they've become friends (it was not always a love affair, i definitely broke up a few scraps when the nugget first joined our family). i'm not sure there's much cuter in the world than animals cuddling. if there is, someone introduce me, pronto!

Reader Comments (4)

Awhhhh! Too sweet!

01/27/12 | 11:50 AM | Unregistered CommenterJoan

Holy moly. I would not leave the house if I lived with these two!

01/27/12 | 7:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterShoko

aw what cuties! I sometimes wonder whether my two dogs would get along if I brought them together (one lives with my parent, the other with my boyfriend).

p.s. thanks so so much for your advice re: Crohn's! I'm going to try to read the books you suggested and follow a macrobiotic diet...cross your fingers for me!

01/27/12 | 11:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterdebbie

Oh Sarah they are just too much! I love your doggies!
Hey tried your lentil coconut soup last night and must say it's divine! Having it for lunch leftovers again today!

01/30/12 | 8:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterSamantha Klein

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