welcome, and thanks for stopping by!  this blog is the story of our family - myself, my husband lou and our two pups.  read more about each of us here if you'd like. please, make yourself at home!  xx- sarah










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the vista from a rooftop villa in Sayulita, Mexico

Lou makes fun of me for saying "vista".  I guess it's just one more Grandma thing that I do.  How charming is this little beach town from above?!

Reader Comments (4)

I´m a mexican girl who loves your photo blog, and last week my boyfriend and I went to Sayulita for a day because my mother-in.law lives nearby, in Litibú. We wanted to just chill and watch the sea, so we decided to take a beer in a place near the sea, then I saw this beatuful black and white puppy, looking just like Ruca Bean Yates Mora and inmediatly I remembered you had been there just a few days before. I had a really good time playing with that puppy, I must say that is my favourite ( I don´t know how to translate "raza de perro"...) but kind of dog ever...

04/20/10 | 5:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterLucía

Oh, thank you Lucia! I can't believe you saw a Ruca lookalike! How lucky to get to play with a puppy in Sayulita, it's such a darling little town!

04/22/10 | 8:26 AM | Registered Commentersarah yates

This article is novel! I like it very much, if can more pictures will be better, if can see you again next article is better, looking forward to your next post.thanks for sharing!

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