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Happy Thanksgiving from the Yates-Mora Clan


We hope that all of you have a fun and tasty holiday!  We'll be filling our bellies with all of the traditional goodies, boozing, enjoying great friends, taking snaps and being grateful for the wonderful life we share.  XOXO

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Reader Comments (5)

Bean looks thrilled.

11/26/09 | 10:31 AM | Unregistered CommenterStav

She is. She loves Thanksgiving- she gets her own big ol plate of human food and gets to spend time with some of her favorite peeps.
Bean's idea of the Best Day Ever (especially because there will likely be some dog park thrown in the mix as well).

11/26/09 | 10:37 AM | Registered Commentersarah yates

We are suckers for any shots of your fabulous dog in costume. I would totally buy a calendar of him wearing something for each holiday of the year!!! His expressions are priceless - just so very funny. Pat him on the head from his fans in western PA :)

11/27/09 | 6:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterSusan and her kids

Oops - I meant she! Not he! Your dog is clearly a fabulous girl dog :)

11/27/09 | 6:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterSusan and her kids

Thank you! We are definitely going to put a calendar together for 2011. :)
(people think she's a boy a lot, I tell her to be more ladylike but she's very set in her ways)

11/27/09 | 10:54 AM | Registered Commentersarah yates

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