Escaped Convict Ruca Bean Yates-Mora

PIN This is what trouble looks like when she's dug a hole under the fence in your canyon backyard, RUN AMUCK FOR WHO-KNOWS-HOW-LONG and is coming home, PLEASED AS PUNCH. Revenge = Bath
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Reader Comments (7)
Did you yell at her in your transvestite voice?
Fabulous! Absolutely fabulous ... love the Bean ... and she even brought some earth home with her ... what a SWEET dog!
Pig Pen times 100!
Layla misses her and would like to run amok with her asap.
I love your blog! Your gorgeous photos have cheered me up on a horrible rainy day here in the UK. Bean is sooooo cute - my dog gets that mischievious face, too, but fortunately hasn't dug her way out of the garden or destroyed any hair bands...yet!
Yay! Happy to know that we are bringing smiles to the UK. :)