Low Light Hanging Plants to Beautify Your Lovely Space

21 Low Light Hanging Plants to Beautify Your Lovely Space

Indoor plants can make a space feel alive and fresh, but not all homes have bright, sunny spots.

Many plant lovers struggle to find greenery that thrives in low-light conditions. I get it—I’ve been there, too!

But don’t worry; there are plenty of plants that can flourish even in darker corners of your home.

In this article, I’ll show you 21 low-light hanging plants that can beautify your space without needing much sunlight.

From trailing pothos to graceful ferns, these plants will add a touch of nature to your home, no matter how dim the lighting.

Let’s explore these easy-to-care-for options that will turn your low-light areas into lush, green havens.

Top Low-Light Hanging Plants for Your Home

1. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)


  • Plant Appearance: Glossy, heart-shaped leaves with vibrant green or yellow striations.
  • Price: Affordable; typically $5 – $20, depending on size and variety.
  • Growth Habits: Fast-growing vine; ideal for hanging baskets or trailing from shelves.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Perfect for low-light areas Hang in a macrame holder for a boho vibe Light: Low to medium indirect light
It acts as an air purifier Let it cascade from bookshelves for a green accent Water: Allow soil to dry between watering
Low-maintenance and resilient Train up a moss pole for vertical interest Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Suitable for plant beginners   Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity

2. English Ivy (Hedera helix)


  • Plant Appearance: Small, lobed leaves with a deep green color; some varieties have creamy or yellow edges.
  • Price: Moderate; around $10 – $25, depending on size.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing or climbing; suitable for walls, trellises, or hanging baskets.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Grows well in low to moderate light Hang from a tall shelf or plant stand for dramatic draping Light: Low to moderate indirect light
Elegant, classic look Use in a hanging basket for a trailing effect Water: Keep soil consistently moist
Great for air purification Great for topiary forms and creative shapes Soil: Well-draining, slightly acidic mix
Adds texture to any room   Humidity: Prefers high humidity; mist regularly

3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)


  • Plant Appearance: Arching green leaves with white or cream stripes; produces baby plantlets on long stems.
  • Price: Budget-friendly; typically $5 – $15.
  • Growth Habits: Clumping; sends out runners with baby plants, which trail beautifully.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Known for air-purifying abilities Hang in a high spot to showcase its “baby” plantlets Light: Medium to low indirect light
Very low maintenance Place in a sunny kitchen window for a classic touch Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
Great for beginner gardeners Perfect for a hanging basket or trailing pot Soil: General-purpose potting mix
It can help remove household toxins   Humidity: Tolerates average humidity; occasional misting is good

4. Philodendron


  • Plant Appearance: Large, heart-shaped green leaves may vary in shades from dark green to reddish hues.
  • Price: Moderate; around $10 – $30, depending on the variety.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing or climbing; great for both hanging baskets and trellises.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Thrives in low-light areas Use in a hanging basket to let its vines trail Light: Low to medium indirect light
Easy-going and forgiving Train it to climb up a trellis for a dramatic effect Water: Allow soil to dry slightly between watering
Filters indoor air effectively Combine with other trailing plants for a lush display Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Great for vertical gardens   Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity

5. Heart-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)


  • Plant Appearance: Glossy, heart-shaped leaves that are a vibrant green.
  • Price: Affordable; typically $5 – $20.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; looks great in hanging baskets or cascading from shelves.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Thrives in low light Hang it from a shelf for an eye-catching display Light: Low to medium indirect light
Low-maintenance and resilient Ideal for creating a lush indoor wall Water: Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry
Helps clean indoor air Great for pairing with other trailing plants Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Suitable for beginners   Humidity: Prefers moderate humidity

6. String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)


  • Plant Appearance: Delicate, heart-shaped leaves on thin, trailing vines; leaves are green with silver patterns and purple undersides.
  • Price: Moderate; typically $15 – $30.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; ideal for hanging baskets where it can cascade freely.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unique, romantic appearance Hang it high to showcase its delicate, heart-shaped leaves Light: Bright, indirect light
Easy care and low-water needs Perfect for macrame holders in a sunny room Water: Let the soil dry completely between watering
Great for small spaces It looks stunning mixed with other trailing plants Soil: Well-draining, cactus mix
Drought-tolerant   Humidity: Tolerates average humidity

7. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)


  • Plant Appearance: Lush, feathery fronds with a classic green color, forming a full, dense look.
  • Price: Moderate; usually $10 – $25, depending on size.
  • Growth Habits: Clumping; works well in hanging baskets or as a tabletop plant with a natural, bushy form.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Adds lush greenery to any space Ideal for hanging in bathrooms for natural humidity Light: Indirect light, no direct sun
Great air-purifying abilities Use in classic pots to match traditional or boho decor Water: Keep soil consistently moist, not soggy
It creates a tropical feel Place near other ferns for a mini indoor jungle Soil: Rich, well-draining mix
Perfect for humid areas   Humidity: High humidity; mist regularly

8. Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)


  • Plant Appearance: Glossy, broad fronds that curve outward, resembling a bird’s nest.
  • Price: Moderate; around $15 – $30.
  • Growth Habits: Clumping; looks great in hanging planters or on a tabletop.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unique leaf shape adds interest Hang near a window for bright, filtered light Light: Low to medium indirect light
Thrives in humid environments Great for bathrooms to enjoy natural humidity Water: Water when top inch of soil is dry
Adds a tropical vibe Use in a ceramic or decorative pot for added style Soil: Well-draining, slightly acidic mix
Low-maintenance and hardy   Humidity: High humidity, mist regularly

9. Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)


  • Plant Appearance: Distinctive, forked fronds resembling deer antlers; tends to grow in a bushy, outward shape.
  • Price: Higher-end; $20 – $50, depending on size.
  • Growth Habits: Epiphytic; often mounted on boards or hung in hanging baskets.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unique, sculptural appearance Mount on a wooden board for a living wall accent Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Great conversation piece Place in a hanging basket or mount for added dimension Water: Soak root ball or mist regularly
Adds a wild, natural look Works well with other ferns for a jungle theme Soil: Orchid or epiphytic mix
Easy-care once established   Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity

10. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)


  • Plant Appearance: Delicate, lace-like leaves on thin black stems; fronds are soft and feathery.
  • Price: Moderate; generally $10 – $25.
  • Growth Habits: Clumping; beautiful in hanging baskets or as a tabletop plant.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Elegant and delicate appearance Hang near windows with indirect light for a graceful touch Light: Low to moderate indirect light
Perfect for humid areas Works beautifully in bathrooms or kitchen spaces Water: Keep soil consistently moist
Adds softness to decor Use in clay pots for a natural, earthy look Soil: Rich, well-draining mix
Requires minimal sunlight   Humidity: High humidity; mist regularly

11. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)


  • Plant Appearance: Unique, bead-like leaves on trailing stems; bright green with a distinctive shape.
  • Price: Moderate; typically $15 – $30.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; ideal for hanging baskets where it can cascade freely.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unusual, eye-catching appearance Hang high to showcase its long, beaded strands Light: Bright, indirect light
Minimal water requirements Perfect for macrame holders in well-lit spaces Water: Allow soil to dry out completely between watering
Great for small spaces It looks great alongside other succulents for Variety Soil: Well-draining cactus mix
Easy-care and drought-tolerant   Humidity: Average to low humidity

12. Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)


  • Plant Appearance: Thick, trailing stems covered in plump, green leaves; resembles a donkey’s tail.
  • Price: Moderate; around $10 – $25.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; suitable for hanging baskets or high shelves where it can cascade.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Adds texture with plump leaves Hang in a bright spot to show off its long, thick strands Light: Bright, indirect light
Drought-tolerant and low-maintenance Perfect for succulent arrangements on shelves Water: Water sparingly; let the soil dry between watering
Eye-catching and unique Combine with other succulents for a stunning arrangement Soil: Cactus or succulent mix
Great for warm, dry spaces   Humidity: Low humidity

13. Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus)


13. Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus)

  • Plant Appearance: Shiny, green leaves with scalloped edges; produces small, tubular flowers.
  • Price: Affordable; generally $5 – $15.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; excellent for hanging baskets or window boxes.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Easy-care and fast-growing Use in hanging baskets to highlight its trailing stems Light: Low to medium indirect light
Adds lush greenery to any space Ideal for indoor or outdoor hanging pots Water: Keep soil slightly moist
Works well in any room It looks lovely paired with other trailing plants Soil: General-purpose potting mix
Perfect for beginners   Humidity: Tolerates average humidity

14. Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans)


  • Plant Appearance: Glossy green leaves with vibrant red, tube-shaped flowers resembling lipstick tubes.
  • Price: Moderate; around $15 – $30.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing or climbing; thrives in hanging baskets or mounted on a wall trellis.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Colorful flowers add a pop of color Hang in a well-lit spot to showcase its blooms Light: Bright, indirect light
Easy-care and unique Great for hanging baskets in kitchens or living rooms Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
Tropical look for any decor Use in a decorative pot for an added design element Soil: Well-draining mix
Perfect for hanging indoors   Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity

15. Peperomia


  • Plant Appearance: Compact leaves that come in a variety of shapes and colors, from deep green to red-edged varieties.
  • Price: Affordable; typically $5 – $20.
  • Growth Habits: Compact and bushy; ideal for smaller pots or as trailing plants.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Small and space-saving Great for hanging pots or desktop planters Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Low-maintenance and durable Use with other small plants for a mini jungle effect Water: Let soil dry between watering
Works well in any room Ideal for bookshelves or small hanging planters Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Perfect for plant collections   Humidity: Prefers moderate humidity

16. Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)


  • Plant Appearance: Oval leaves with unique patterns and colors fold their leaves up at night, resembling hands in prayer.
  • Price: Moderate; generally $10 – $25.
  • Growth Habits: Low-growing and trailing; ideal for hanging baskets or tabletop planters.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unique folding leaf movement Use in hanging pots or shelves to showcase its colors Light: Low to medium indirect light
Adds color and pattern to any space Perfect for a cozy corner or shaded window area Water: Keep soil consistently moist
Great for low-light conditions Pairs well with other trailing plants for a layered look Soil: Well-draining, slightly acidic mix
Perfect for indoor spaces   Humidity: High humidity; mist often

17. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)


  • Plant Appearance: Round, coin-shaped leaves that grow on long stems; gives a unique, architectural look.
  • Price: Moderate; around $15 – $30.
  • Growth Habits: Upright, with leaves that fan out horizontally; great for hanging pots or tabletop displays.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unique, coin-shaped leaves Use in a small hanging planter for a modern touch Light: Bright, indirect light
Easy-care and low-maintenance Place on a shelf or hanging pot to let leaves fan out Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
Adds a minimalist aesthetic It pairs well with other modern decor elements Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Perfect for small spaces   Humidity: Tolerates average humidity

18. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)


  • Plant Appearance: Purple and green striped leaves with a glossy texture; grows in long, trailing vines.
  • Price: Affordable; typically $5 – $15.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; perfect for hanging baskets or cascading down shelves.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Adds bold color with purple hues Hang in a bright room to showcase its vibrant colors Light: Bright, indirect light
Fast-growing and easy-to-propagate Great for hanging baskets and mixed plant displays Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
Perfect for creating lush displays Pairs well with other tropical plants for a colorful contrast Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Suitable for various indoor spaces   Humidity: Prefers moderate humidity

19. Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum)


  • Plant Appearance: Arrow-shaped leaves that start solid green and may develop variegation as they mature.
  • Price: Affordable; generally $5 – $20.
  • Growth Habits: Bushy when young, with trailing vines as it matures; suitable for hanging baskets or shelves.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Easy-care and adaptable Use in hanging pots or place on high shelves for a trailing effect Light: Low to medium indirect light
It adds a tropical vibe It looks great mixed with other trailing plants Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
Great for low to medium light Perfect for a lush, green indoor space Soil: Well-draining, general-purpose mix
Suitable for plant beginners   Humidity: Prefers moderate humidity

20. String of Turtles (Peperomia prostrate)


  • Plant Appearance: Small, round leaves with turtle shell-like patterns; grows in long, trailing vines.
  • Price: Moderate; around $10 – $25.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; ideal for hanging baskets where it can cascade down.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Unique, patterned leaves Hang in a bright room to showcase its beautiful patterns Light: Bright, indirect light
Great for small spaces Perfect for small hanging pots or mixed succulent displays Water: Allow soil to dry completely between watering
Adds character and texture to decor   Soil: Cactus or succulent mix
Easy-care and drought-tolerant   Humidity: Tolerates average humidity

21. Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’)


  • Plant Appearance: Bright, lime-green leaves that stand out, similar to standard Pothos but with neon-colored foliage.
  • Price: Moderate; typically $10 – $20.
  • Growth Habits: Trailing; excellent for hanging baskets or trailing from shelves.
Why I Should Have This Creative Styling Tips Care Guide
Adds a pop of color with neon leaves Use in hanging baskets to highlight its vibrant foliage Light: Low to medium indirect light
Easy-care and adaptable Perfect for kitchens or bathrooms for a bright accent Water: Allow soil to dry between watering
Air-purifying and hardy It is ideal for pairing with darker green plants for contrast Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Great for beginners   Humidity: Prefers moderate humidity

How to Care Low-Light Hanging Plants



So, there you have it – 21 beautiful low light hanging plants to brighten up your space, no matter how dim it might be.

I hope this list has inspired you to bring some greenery into those tricky, darker corners of your home. Remember, even with low-light plants, a little care goes a long way.

Start with one or two that catch your eye, and soon, you’ll be hooked on the joy they bring to your living space.

Do you have a favorite low-light hanging plant? Or maybe you’ve got a question about caring for one of these beauties? I’d love to hear from you!

Drop a comment below, and let’s chat about our leafy friends.

Happy Planting!

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