Love Your Landscaping: How Does Your Garden Glow?

Love Your Landscaping: How Does Your Garden Glow?

Did you know that the average gardener spends just over $8000 on individual landscaping projects? Spending more time outdoors in the warmer months means that it’s time to think about some brilliantly new, innovative landscaping ideas to make your outside space sing! Thankfully, help is on hand if you’d like some lush pointers to make your landscaping dreams come true.

Whether you’ve got a big budget or not, it’s time to think about giving your garden a glow-up for the Summer.

Rustic Stone Designs

Rustic Stone Designs

Rustic stone designs can bring a garden to life – especially if you like the country cottage look.

One way to achieve this is with a winding or circular stone path! Of course, they look gorgeous but they also provide form and function too – they give structure and also protect plants from being trodden on!

Grow healthier plants and small trees with raised beds

Raised beds are gaining in popularity – as more people seek to grow their own fruits, veggies, and herbs. These features also help to improve soil quality and water drainage. Why do we need this? Well, good drainage allows air to properly circulate in the soil and thus, plants will root better and grow stronger.

These are a great option to go for if you’re someone with mobility issues, as raised beds mean you don’t have to bend or kneel for excessive amounts of time when gardening. They really are a fantastic way to be able to garden without putting too much physical pressure on yourself.

Learn to Layer Your Landscape

Learn to Layer Your Landscape

Landscape layering is something more people are taking notice of when it comes to planning their outdoor spaces. This technique effectively adds depth, and interest and can create a harmonious garden space that can also be beautifully color co-ordinated.

Think about your garden as having three layers, In the first, which will be the foreground you can have low-growing plants and ground covers that frame the view and draw you in. This is the space where you’ll plant colorful blooms and add interesting textures with grasses.

The next section is your midground. Here, plant medium-sized shrubs and perennial plants that provide a ‘bridge’ between the foreground and your final section… which is the background.

In your background section, you can plant trees, tall and medium-sized ones. They should form your backdrop and create an enclosure. They’ll add a privacy screen and some depth to your garden – whilst also adding focal points and framing the garden as a whole.

Why Not Try a Gabion?

This is a really nice feature to add to your landscaping plans. These vertical cages and sturdy vessels are woven from steel (you may have noticed huge versions of these used in public spaces to control water run-off!)

Usually, they’re used for retaining walls and erosion control. However, some landscapers noticed that they had a stylish potential of their own – and they’re now becoming a popular design choice in gardens all over the world. They can be used to create seats for your outdoor space, or unusual planters too.

There you go, just a few ideas to get creative with landscaping in your garden this summer. Whatever your plans are – get out there and enjoy it!


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