Home Design Inspirations: Finding Your Next Dream Property

Home Design Inspirations: Finding Your Next Dream Property

When purchasing a new home, it is critical to consider both the interior and its location within the city. You can’t simply buy a beautiful home that is also in an unfavorable neighborhood or a long distance away.

Most likely, when looking for a suitable home, you will have to make some compromises because a beautiful home in a desirable neighborhood will undoubtedly be significantly more expensive. However, knowing which online services can help you find your future home makes the task much easier. That’s what we’ll talk about.

Modern Home Design Trends

The general trends in modern design haven’t changed much in recent years: naturalness and functionality, minimalist ideas, nature, and self-care are all on trend. However, some upcoming trends, based on the positions presented on Floople, are already visible:

Soft Minimalism

The current trend is toward softer, more “warm” minimalism. Previously associated with sterility, impersonality, and coldness, such interiors are now becoming more vibrant, cozy, and personalized.

First and foremost, this is reflected in the palette, which increasingly uses warm colors in the beige-brown paradigm, diluting them with muted shades of red, yellow, and orange, and only slightly shading contrasting achromats.

Dopamine Decor

The design alternates between minimalism and maximalism. Its versatility allows you to incorporate it into any space, whether it is a bright living room or a strict classic bedroom:

  • Decorate the room with visually and tactilely pleasing textures;
  • Use your favorite colors in the interior;
  • Decorate your home with items that reflect your personality: art, collections, hobbies;
  • Living plants always provide energy;
  • Include “emotional” decor, such as family photos, memorable souvenirs from trips, and things with associations.


Technology is advancing so quickly that it’s difficult to keep up with all of the innovations. However, it is possible and necessary to gradually integrate them into your household. Sensors, remote-controlled switches, timers, voice assistants, and smart gadgets are all essential features for any home.


Another, almost opposite trend – design with a clear reference to the past – creates an interesting parallel to the active use of new technologies. The design combines elements from the past and the future, as reflected in its visual patterns:

  • The shapes are flat and streamlined;
  • Metallic accents. They give the space a shine and refer us to high technology;
  • Fixtures in unusual shapes or complex geometric figures.


Where and How to Search Property

And now let’s talk about where to look for real estate and what you should prioritize when purchasing a new rental home. Floople is a company whose website allows you to find any type of real estate in any city. You simply select the desired city and you are ready: hundreds to thousands of offers (depending on the location) will appear in front of you.

You can specify display filters, such as the number of rooms. Overall, very simple and convenient. However, it is not easy to properly assess future real estate and know what to focus on. But we will give you a few tips:

  • A house should be worth the money. If you are offered a house for an obviously low price, think twice. Good things always come at a cost, and at best, you will receive a house with issues that you will need to resolve on your own. In the worst-case scenario, you will receive a substandard object that will be less expensive to demolish;
  • Infrastructure. The most important aspect is that you will live in your home permanently. This means that there should be hospitals, stores, and schools nearby;
  • Development plan for the location. Many people ignore this issue when selecting a house and plot, and it is a costly mistake. After reviewing such a plan, you can conclude that in five years, a noisy highway or an incinerator with a corresponding aroma will be built next to you. And living in this area will become unbearable, so you can sell the house for pennies;
  • Transport accessibility. Regardless of how good the infrastructure is, there are unlikely to be universities, museums, or theaters nearby for children to attend. Such places must be reached, so less congested highways will be of great assistance.

Which Houses Are Not Worth Buying?

If you have a better understanding of how to choose the right house, under what conditions should you never agree to buy, even if the object is offered for a low price? For example, if you encounter the following issues:

  • There are cracks in the facade of the house;
  • The basement is constantly flooded;
  • A stone house that has stood for many years. Over time, micro-cracks may appear in brick, monolith, ceramic block, etc., and will only grow;
  • If the house has a leaky operating roof, repairing this defect will be quite expensive;
  • If the frame house is constructed with inadequate thermal insulation and vapor barrier layers. It will be extremely expensive to heat such a building.


Finding the ideal home requires balancing aesthetics, location, and functionality. Remember to look at the property’s value, infrastructure, development plans, and transportation accessibility. Avoid homes with major structural issues, and you’ll be well on your way to finding a beautiful and functional space that meets your requirements. Happy house hunting!

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