7 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving to a New House

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving to a New House

Moving to a new house goes beyond transferring all your belongings. It is a systemic endeavor that ensures your new place becomes a safe and comfortable haven for you and your family. If you’re moving residence, here are seven crucial mistakes you must avoid and a few tips to make the entire process smoother and more manageable.

Not Planning Ahead of Time

Even if you have limited items, moving requires early planning and preparation. Procrastinating or not planning beforehand is one of the most significant moving mistakes to avoid. Your plan will serve as your compass during this endeavor, saving you from wasting time, energy, and money.

Plan once you have secured the sale and develop a realistic timeline. Waiting until the last minute can make your move more challenging than it should be, so make sure to plan early.

Not Establishing a Budget

Another common moving pitfall is not creating a budget. Moving can be costly, even if you plan to move without outside help. Some homeowners fail to factor in the related costs of acquiring a new house and solely concentrate on the sale price. When planning your move, develop a feasible budget that can accommodate all moving expenditures, expected or otherwise.

Some expenses include utility transfer fees, packing materials, moving services, cleaning fees, and moving insurance. By creating a budget in advance, you can prepare for financial surprises and prevent them from compromising your household finances.

Not Cleaning Before the Move

Moving into a dirty and messy home is both unpleasant and unproductive. Before the big day, clean your new house from top to bottom. If you have limited time and budget permits, leave this task to professional cleaners. If your new home has an HVAC system, evaluate its condition and check the gas furnace air filter location, as you might need to replace the filter to ensure optimal airflow.

Failing to Transfer Utilities

One crucial pitfall you must avoid at all costs is not transferring your utilities before moving. The last thing you want, especially if you have small children, is to move to an entirely new house without electricity or water. Some utility transfers take a month or more, depending on the provider, so doing this task early on can save you from a frustrating day or even week of living in your new abode without the essential utilities.

To ensure you successfully transfer all services, it would help if you had a checklist of all your utilities, such as electricity, cable, internet, and water. If you are moving to a different state, ensure your service providers operate within your neighborhood.

DIY-ing the Move

DIY-ing the Move

While no rule prevents you from moving without professional assistance, DIY-ing your move can cause numerous problems. Even with the help of trusted relatives and friends, not hiring professionals is a costly decision that can lead to a stressful and difficult moving day. It is also important that you don’t choose the cheapest moving company available just to save a few bucks.

With the guidance of credible and experienced professional movers, you can avoid harming yourself, losing or damaging your belongings, or paying more than necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. Choose a moving company that is affordable and has a good reputation for providing top-notch service.

Not Checking the Neighborhood

Another vital moving mistake you must avoid is not checking your new surroundings. It is imperative that you do this task before closing the sale, as disregarding your soon-to-be neighborhood can cause future disappointments. No matter how beautiful or reasonably priced your house is, it is not a great investment if it’s in the middle of nowhere or a shady area.

When looking for houses, make sure you include the neighborhood in your non-negotiables. Choosing a neighborhood with good schools and zero crime rates is ideal for families with children. You should also consider the long-term value of your selected location. Are there future development plans within your local vicinity? Are properties in your neighborhood expected to increase in worth in the coming years? Remember to consider these factors and adopt a forward-thinking mentality.

Not Meeting the Neighbors

While you don’t need to be on a first-name basis with your neighbors right after moving, you must exert effort to establish a respectful relationship with some of them. A simple wave or a friendly hello are great gestures that can jumpstart your connection.

Whenever you have time, knock on some of your neighbors’ doors and introduce yourself. Bring them a simple gift like food or sweet treats. Being friendly with your neighbors offers various social benefits and can increase your sense of security and belongingness, especially if you’re moving to a close-knit community,


Moving to a new home is a significant milestone for most homeowners. Avoiding the mistakes mentioned above ensures a safe and effortless transition and safeguards your new investment.

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