salted banana peanut butter chocolate treats OMG

i wish i had a more condensed name for these, but unfortunately i was too hopped up on SUGAR and JOY to come up with one when i wrote this post. these, my friends, are heaven on your mouth. sweet, salty, chocolatey OMGoodness. they're more work than my average recipe, and especially challenging because you can't have a craving and whip them up all impulsive-like. you have to crave them, start making them on night one, and then MAYBE, if you're lucky and your freezer works well, be able to enjoy them the next day at lunch. but i promise you, you will be so SO happy when you do.
be forewarned: i made these once using the amounts from this recipe.... then realized that's WAY too much (especially for one family of two, neither of which have even the slightest bit of self control around sugar). as much as i would have loved re-making this recipe for the sake of blogging it, i didn't {if i had you can be assured that my 1st chin would be resting comfortably on a newfound second}. SO, these measurements are based on my first over-excited go 'round and are only approximations- you may end up with extra peanut butter filling or chocolate (in which case you could throw together a few of these! recipe below