thanksgiving, oh yes indeed!

if you're here in the states than you very well may share my excitement about this holiday centered around friends, family, gratitude and an amazing meal. ahhh! i can't wait! here are a few recipes from around the interwebs that are on my maybe-make list. any thanskgiving recipes that you think we would be mistaken to miss out on? i love the traditional dishes but this year i think i'm going to try to make all new-to-us recipes! and, as always, our thanksgiving will be equally vegan, delicious and healthy!
butternut squash and farro with honey-harissa dressing via happyolks
suzanne goin's slow-cooked tuscan kale via alexandra cooks
fried herbed almonds via cook like a champion
*really, my maybe-make list is ridiculous, you would think i was single-handedly trying to feed all of palm springs... oh i'm getting even more excited just typing this! yay for the holidays!!