let's go! 4 seasons bora bora

lou and i are seriously bouncing around the idea of bora bora for our belated honeymoon (and in our fantasty world, staying here)! it's pretty much all i can think about. it's been a dream of mine to stay in an over-water bungalow since the second i knew such a magical thing exists. also, and i am saying this with NO SHAME WHATSOEVER, i soaked up every minute of the kardashian vacation there on keeping up and it just looks like heaven on earth. And this past week I may or may not have watched tamra from the real housewives of orange county get engaged there and been insanely jealous of their tropical getaway. Again, NO SHAME. have a lovely weekend everyone! i am headed to booneville, ca (no joke) for a wedding for birds of a feather!
*more places i am dreaming about here and photo gratefully borrowed from here