are you a people pleaser?

one of the things i have the hardest time with is saying NO...i think there's a people pleaser in me that just can't stand the idea of anyone being disappointed or let down because of something i did (or didn't do). it's something i've been hard at work curbing over the past couple of years, and most especially after i got sick. it's so important to set boundaries and not drive yourself into the ground. and it's so easy to feel pulled in a million directions- with family, friends, and work all needing something at all times. but what i learned when i got sick is that i'm no good to anyone if i i'm not taking care of myself. and that's just a reality i've been forced to come to terms with.
i've had to learn to let things go, to be ok with disappointing people when their expectations aren't realistic, to not set expectations for myself that i wouldn't expect of others. man, it's tough sometimes. but with practice i've found it incredibly liberating. it challenges my beliefs that i have to do things a certain way and gives me the power to make my life the way i choose it. when i'm doing it right, i feel happy and balanced (when the pangs of guilt pass, at least). do you struggle with this too? any advice for that loud-mouthed people pleaser in me? i'm struggling lately and feel all sorts of out of balance. and saying no has been making me feel like that sweet pup looks. ouch. *photo of my friend matt's most adorable dog from our trip to austin

I have the same struggle too. I have a hard time of saying no... and when I do, i feel like I'm being a bitch or something. But you're right, the more you learn how to say no (politely & professionally), the more liberating you feel. xx